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Welcome to the Skypay API documentation hub! This resource is designed for developers and businesses looking to incorporate Skypay as a comprehensive payment solution within their online platforms. If you're aiming to streamline your payment process and provide multiple payment options to your users, you're in the right place.

Skypay stands as a robust payment gateway aggregator, bringing together various payment services under one roof. Our goal is to simplify online transactions for businesses across Nepal, offering a unified API that caters to a diverse range of payment preferences.

By integrating with the Skypay SDK/API, you unlock the potential to accept payments from:

  • eSewa
  • Khalti & associated banks.

Leverage the Skypay Payment Gateway to bypass the need for individual bank integrations, saving time and reducing complexity.


Our platform offers a plethora of features designed to enhance the payment experience for both merchants and customers:

  • Multiple Payment Options: Offer your customers a variety of payment methods, enhancing convenience and accessibility.
  • Seamless Integration: With our easy-to-integrate SDKs available for Web (JavaScript), Android, and iOS, setting up Skypay on your platform is straightforward.
  • In-Platform Wallet Payments: Enable customers to make wallet payments without navigating away from your platform, keeping the user experience smooth and uninterrupted.
  • Comprehensive Merchant Dashboard: Gain insights into transactions, filter and download reports, and much more, all from an intuitive dashboard.


Got questions? We're here to help. Feel free to reach out to us through the following channels:

Dive into our documentation to explore detailed guides on integrating Skypay into your service. Together, let's make online payments easier and more accessible for everyone involved.